eye news

Raising Awareness

As I continue in my mission to raise awareness of serious issues pertaining to vision, I just participated in my first ever podcast!

It was with the wonderful people at Keeping Us Safe.

I spoke about cataracts and older driver safety.

On top of that, I wrote a piece at the American Foundation for the Blind about making one’s vision a focus.

It is a huge honor to contribute at two sites of this stature.

eye news

Contributing to US News

It’s an amazing thrill and honor to be able to contribute to a publication such as US News.

I just submitted my first piece there – a story about the dangers of driving at night.

When I first started trying to increase awareness of serious eye issues, I would never have imagined that US News would be one of the stops on the journey.

If every article can challenge the readers and the way they think, it will all be worth it. If it can save anyone from serious eye illnesses, it definitely will!

eye care

Herpes Simplex Virus

The Herpes Simplex virus can impact the body in a number of different ways.

The eyes can experience considerable discomfort and pain as a result of it. Watch the video to find out more about it.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

eye care, eye exam, lifestyle

Elderly and Eyes

It’s important to be pro-active in looking after your eyes, and it’s especially important for the elderly to do so.

I write about this at the AARP website where I outline 6 steps to save your sight.

As people age, aches and pains set in and the eyes are part of it. So instead of it getting to the point where you have to deal with a serious eye illness, be proactive and nip it in the bud.


Pseudoexfoliation syndrome

In most if not all instances, a patient first hears about Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is when their doctor tells them they have it.

It is crazy to think a person can have something seriously wrong with their eyes and not know how it happened, what it is or how to treat it.

This is why it’s so important to continue to increase awareness of serious eye issues.

eye care

Patching Though

In the battle to increase awareness of serious eye issues, I’ve now started contributing at Patch.com

I have already done 2 pieces there.

The first is a recap of the time Kristi Krueger came to our offices and did a report for the WPLG Local 10 News.

The second piece is on the work we do with Light of the World.

Important for us to give back to the community, especially to those who need it the most.

Looking forward to contributing more and increasing awareness of the serious eye issues facing people.