glaucoma, Macular Degeneration

Farewell to Glaucoma Awareness Month

The last day of January is also the final day of Glaucoma Awareness Month. I hope that via my blog posts and YouTube Videos your awareness of Glacuoma is now significantly increased.

Here is my final Glaucoma Awareness video for the year outlining treatment of it.

Out of this, I hope you will be more proactive when it comes to your eyes. Don’t just wait for something to happen to them, especially if you’re over 50.

As for what I will talk about next, unfortunately there are many other ailments that can affect the eyes. Depending on who you hold be, February is Low Vision Awareness Month or Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness month,

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading, if not the number one cause of blindness among older people. As dangerous as glaucoma is, macular degeneration among the elderly simply can not be ignored.